Officer Candidate Class 4-64 

Alma Mater      

Page updated on: 5 Aug 2021




   OCS Alma Mater

Far across the Chattahoochee

To the Upatoi.

Stands our loyal Alma Mater

Benning's School for boys.


Forward ever, backward never,

Faithfully we strive.

To the ports of embarkation,

Follow Me with pride.


From the Halls of Desiderio,

OC's hear this call,

"Of all the OC's at Fort Benning,

We're the best of all."


Winners ever, losers never,

Winners till the end.

To serve our country is our calling,

Its honor we'll defend.


When it's time and we are called,

To guard our country's might.

We'll be there with heads held high,

To lead the freedom fight.


Learning ever, yearning ever,

To keep our country free..

The call is clear, we meet the task,

For We are Infantry.


OCS Class 4-64

Officer Candidate Robert E. Ahrens

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Site Last modified: Thursday, 05 August 2021